Showing posts with label urlfetchapp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urlfetchapp. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Pull Stock Quotes Into AdWords Scripts Using Yahoo! Finance API

I was recently asked on Twitter if I had ever seen a script that used stock market performance to adjust bids. Honestly I never have, but I have been asked about this ability multiple times. So I thought I'd build something to do just that.

Finding a reliable and free API for stock data is a little difficult, but everyone seems to point to a somewhat hidden Yahoo! Finance API. Despite the fact that there are multiple libraries built around it, I couldn't find much in the way of documentation other than a StackOverflow post that talks about it. So long story short, this API could stop working at anytime, so use at your own risk.

Here is some sample code to get you started using this. The code below simply looks up a few quotes (one from Bitcoin) and loads them into a Google Spreadsheet of your choosing. Pretty straightforward. The one confusing thing is the "f=" parameter that you need to pass to the API. It is documented a little bit in this blog post but is still pretty confusing. It is a string of one or two character codes that is used to define the columns you want to return. For most people, the symbol, name, and current price should be enough. Feel free to customize it as needed.

* Yahoo Finance API Class Example
* Version 1.0 
* Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  var yfa = new YahooFinanceAPI({
    symbols: ['^GSPC','VTI','^IXIC','BTCUSD=X'],
    f: 'snl1' // or something longer like this 'sl1abb2b3d1t1c1ohgv'
  for(var key in yfa.results) {
    Logger.log(Utilities.formatString('Name: "%s", Symbol: "%s", Last Trade Price: $%s', 
  var includeColumnHeaders = true;
  var sheetData = yfa.toGoogleSheet(includeColumnHeaders);
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetUrl).getActiveSheet();
  for(var i in sheetData) {

Just copy the follow code into the bottom of your AdWords script and you should be good to go.
* Yahoo Finance API Class
* Use this to pull stock market quotes from Yahoo Finance
* Version 1.0 
* Created By: Russ Savage
function YahooFinanceAPI(configVars) {
  var QUERY_URL_BASE = '';
  var FINANCE_URL_BASE = '';
  this.configVars = configVars;
   * The results are stored here in a 
   * map where the key is the ticker symbol
   * { 'AAPL' : { ... }, 'GOOG' : { ... }
  this.results = {};
   * Function used to refresh the results
   * from Yahoo! Finance API. Called automatically
   * during object reaction.
  this.refresh = function() {
    var queryUrl = getQueryUrl(this.configVars);
    var resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(queryUrl,{muteHttpExceptions:true});
    if(resp.getResponseCode() == 200) {
      var jsonResp = JSON.parse(resp.getContentText());
      if(jsonResp.query.count == 1) {
        var row = jsonResp.query.results.row;
        this.results[row.symbol] = row;
      } else if(jsonResp.query.count > 1) {
        for(var i in jsonResp.query.results.row) {
          var row = jsonResp.query.results.row[i];
          this.results[row.symbol] = row;
    } else {
      throw resp.getContentText();
   * Translates the results into a 2d array
   * to make it easier to add into a Google Sheet.
   * includeColumnHeaders - true or false if you want
   *   headers returned in the results.
  this.toGoogleSheet = function(includeColumnHeaders) {
    if(!this.results) { return [[]]; }
    var retVal = [];
    var headers = null;
    for(var key in this.results) {
      if(!headers) {
        headers = Object.keys(this.results[key]).sort();
      var row = [];
      for(var i in headers) {
    if(includeColumnHeaders) {
      return [headers].concat(retVal);
    } else {
      return retVal;
  // Perform a refresh on object creation.
  // Private functions
   * Builds Yahoo Finance Url
  function getFinanceUrl(configVars) {
    var financeUrlParams = {
      s : configVars.symbols.join(','),
      f : configVars.f,
      e : '.json'
    return FINANCE_URL_BASE + serialize(financeUrlParams);
   * Builds Yahoo Query Url
  function getQueryUrl(configVars) {
    var financeUrl = getFinanceUrl(configVars);
    var cols = fToCols(configVars.f);
    var queryTemplate = "select * from csv where url='%s' and columns='%s'";
    var query = Utilities.formatString(queryTemplate, financeUrl,cols.join(','));
    var params = {
      q : query,
      format : 'json'
    var finalRestUrl = QUERY_URL_BASE + serialize(params);
    return finalRestUrl;

   * This function translates the f parameter
   * into actual field names to use for columns
  function fToCols(f) {
    var cols = [];
    var chunk = '';
    var fBits = f.split('').reverse();
    for(var i in fBits) {
      chunk = (fBits[i] + chunk);
      if(fLookup(chunk)) {
        chunk = '';
    return cols.reverse();
   * Copied from:
   * This function converts a hash into 
   * a url encoded query string.
  function serialize( obj ) {
    return '?'+
        function(a,k) { 
          return a
   * Adapted from
   * This function maps f codes into 
   * friendly column names.
  function fLookup(f){
      a:'ask',b:'bid',b2:'ask realtime',b3:'bid realtime',p:'previous close',o:'open',
      y:'dividend yield',d:'dividend per share',r1:'dividend pay date',
      q:'ex-dividend date',c1:'change',c:'change & percent change',c6:'change realtime',
      k2:'change percent realtime',p2:'change in percent',d1:'last trade date',
      d2:'trade date',t1:'last trade time',c8:'after hours change realtime',
      c3:'commission',g:'days low',h:'days high',k1:'last trade realtime with time',
      l:'last trade with time',l1:'last trade price only',t8:'1 yr target price',
      m5:'change from 200 day moving average',m6:'percent change from 200 day moving average',
      m7:'change from 50 day moving average',m8:'percent change from 50 day moving average',
      m3:'50 day moving average',m4:'200 day moving average',w1:'days value change',
      w4:'days value change realtime',p1:'price paid',m:'days range',m2:'days range realtime',
      g1:'holdings gain percent',g3:'annualized gain',g4:'holdings gain',
      g5:'holdings gain percent realtime',g6:'holdings gain realtime',t7:'ticker trend',
      t6:'trade links',i5:'order book realtime',l2:'high limit',l3:'low limit',
      v1:'holdings value',v7:'holdings value realtime',s6: 'revenue',k:'52 week high',
      j:'52 week low',j5:'change from 52 week low',k4:'change from 52 week high',
      j6:'percent change from 52 week low',k5:'percent change from 52 week high',
      w:'52 week range',v:'more info',j1:'market capitalization',j3:'market cap realtime',
      f6:'float shares',n:'name',n4:'notes',s:'symbol',s1:'shares owned',x:'stock exchange',
      j2:'shares outstanding',v:'volume',a5:'ask size',b6:'bid size',k3:'last trade size',
      a2:'average daily volume',e:'earnings per share',e7:'eps estimate current year',
      e8:'eps estimate next year',e9:'eps estimate next quarter',b4:'book value',j4:'ebitda',
      p5:'price sales',p6:'price book',r:'pe ratio',r2:'pe ratio realtime',r5:'peg ratio',
      r6:'price eps estimate current year',r7:'price eps estimate next year',s7:'short ratio'

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Disable Ads and Keywords For Out of Stock Items

UPDATE 2016-01-26: In response to some common issues, this script has been updated to include some enhancements. Please see the change log notes for v1.2.

As a follow up to my questions about cool scripts for Black Friday / Cyber Monday, today I put together a script to run through your urls and check if the item is out of stock on the website. If it is, we will pause the AdGroup.

This script has some of the same elements of my script on checking for broken links in your account, but it actually pulls the html source of each page and searches for a configurable string that lets it know when it is out of stock.

Let's walk through an example. I love some of the quirky gifts I find on But like any online store, some items go out of stock. Here is one I found while testing this script.
In order to get this script to work, I need to find out what is different about the page when it goes out of stock. If I right click and view the page source, and search for the work "stock", I can see a few different places where it is used. One of them is the following that says "in_stock":false.
That looks promising. I check on an in stock item and sure enough, "in_stock":true is on that page.

Alright, so now I know what text I need to use to fill in the OUT_OF_STOCK_TEXT variable in my code. Now each site is going to be a little different, so I have a simple script that uses the same url logic as the complete script that you can use for testing.

Once you find some HTML text in the source of the landing page that identifies if an item is out of stock, you should be good to go on the full script. There are a few other options in the script that allow you to enable or disable various url manipulations in the script. And remember, this will pause only the Ads or Keywords that link to the page with the out of stock item.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Authenticating to OAuth Services Using AdWords Scripts

Many APIs today use OAuth in order for users to authenticate and call their service.  One very popular example is the Twitter REST API.  Digging through the AdWords Scripting reference, you'll notice that one of the cool things you can do with AdWords Scripts is to pull data from a URL using the UrlFetchApp.

So the question I asked was "Could I write a script to authenticate using OAuth and retrieve data from the Twitter REST API?"

Obviously, the first place I looked was in the OAuthConfig class of the UrlFetchApp.  I set up the configuration and tried to make a call but I kept getting an authentication error.  A little research showed that I wasn't the only one having this problem.  The issue stems from the fact that normally, users need to authenticate through some sort of dialog box before they can access data. See this example about connecting to Picasa Web Albums for more details.

But then I found a post about someone managing to get around this by re-implementing the OAuth authentication system in their script and using a standard UrlFetchApp.fetch() request.

I was up for a challenge so I recreated it myself.  It turned out to be quite a bit of code, but in the end, the only thing you really need to worry about is getting the correct keys from Twitter and calling _build_authorization_string().


// Authenticate and Connect to OAuth Service
// Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  //Define the Twitter Keys and Secrets
  //More info on obtaining these can be found at
  var oauth_key_stuff = {
    "consumer_key" : "your consumer key",
    "consumer_secret" : "your consumer secret",
    "access_token" : "your access token",
    "access_token_secret" : "your access token secret"

  // Update this with the REST url you want to call.  I only tested it with GET
  // but i don't think there is anything stopping a POST request from working.
  var url_stuff = {  
    "http_method" : 'GET',
    "base_url" : ""

  //Add the parameters for the REST url you want to call.
  var url_param_stuff = {
    "screen_name" : "russellsavage" //hey that's me!
  // Don't touch this stuff
  var other_oauth_data = {
    "oauth_nonce" : Utilities.base64Encode(Math.random() +
          "secret_sauce" +
          (new Date()).getTime()).replace(/(?!\w)/g, ''),
    "oauth_signature_method" : "HMAC-SHA1",
    "oauth_timestamp" : Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000.0),
    "oauth_version" : "1.0"
  // Here is where the magic happens
  var auth_string = _build_authorization_string(oauth_key_stuff,url_stuff,url_param_stuff,other_oauth_data);

  var options = {
    "headers" : { "Authorization" :  auth_string }
  var url = _build_url(url_stuff,url_param_stuff);
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
  var tweets = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
  //now let's log my amazing tweets!
  for(var tweet in tweets) {
    var t = tweets[tweet];
  function _build_url(base_url,param_stuff){
    var url = base_url.base_url;
    if(param_stuff != {}) {
      url += '?';
    for(var key in param_stuff) {
      url += key + "=";
      url += encodeURIComponent(param_stuff[key]);
      url += '&';
    return url.slice(0,-1);
  function _build_param_string(auth_keys,url_data,oauth_data) {
    var data_for_param_string = {
      "oauth_consumer_key" : auth_keys.consumer_key,
      "oauth_nonce" : oauth_data.oauth_nonce,
      "oauth_signature_method" : oauth_data.oauth_signature_method,
      "oauth_timestamp" : oauth_data.oauth_timestamp,
      "oauth_token" : auth_keys.access_token,
      "oauth_version" : oauth_data.oauth_version
    // add additional url values
    for(var my_key in url_data) { 
      data_for_param_string[my_key] = url_data[my_key]; 
    // find and sort the keys for later
    var keys = [];
    for(var key in data_for_param_string) {
    //finally build and return the param string
    var param_string = "";
    for(var i in keys) {
      param_string += keys[i] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data_for_param_string[keys[i]]);
      if(i < keys.length - 1) {
        param_string += "&";
    return param_string;
  function _build_sig_base_string(my_url_stuff,my_param_string) {
    return my_url_stuff.http_method +
      "&" + encodeURIComponent(my_url_stuff.base_url) +
      "&" + encodeURIComponent(my_param_string);
  function _build_sigining_key(my_key_stuff) {
    return encodeURIComponent(my_key_stuff.consumer_secret) + 
      "&" + encodeURIComponent(my_key_stuff.access_token_secret);
  function _build_oauth_signature(base_string,sign) {
    return Utilities.base64Encode(
  function _build_authorization_string(my_key_stuff,my_url_stuff,my_url_param_stuff,my_oauth_stuff) {
    var param_string = _build_param_string(my_key_stuff,my_url_param_stuff,my_oauth_stuff);
    var sig_base_string = _build_sig_base_string(my_url_stuff,param_string);
    var signing_key = _build_sigining_key(my_key_stuff);
    var oauth_signature = _build_oauth_signature(sig_base_string,signing_key);
    return "OAuth " +
           encodeURIComponent("oauth_consumer_key") + '="' + 
             encodeURIComponent(my_key_stuff.consumer_key) + '", ' +
           encodeURIComponent("oauth_nonce") + '="' + 
             encodeURIComponent(my_oauth_stuff.oauth_nonce) + '", ' +
           encodeURIComponent("oauth_signature") + '="' + 
             encodeURIComponent(oauth_signature) + '", ' +
           encodeURIComponent("oauth_signature_method") + '="' + 
             encodeURIComponent(my_oauth_stuff.oauth_signature_method) + '", ' +
           encodeURIComponent("oauth_timestamp") + '="' + 
             encodeURIComponent(my_oauth_stuff.oauth_timestamp) + '", ' +
           encodeURIComponent("oauth_token") + '="' + 
             encodeURIComponent(my_key_stuff.access_token) + '", ' +
           encodeURIComponent("oauth_version") + '="' + 
             encodeURIComponent(my_oauth_stuff.oauth_version) + '"';