Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Set AdParams at the AdGroup Level from a Google Spreadsheet

I've had a few people ask me how to update my previous script about Setting AdParams at the Keyword Level to be able to set them at the AdGroup level. Here is an update to that script that does just that.

To use it, you will need to create a new Google Spreadsheet and load it with the adgroup name, param 1 value, and param 2 value in columns A, B, and C respectively (with column headers). Then copy that url into the script and you should be good to go.


* Update Ad Params by Ad Groups
* Version 1.1
* ChangeLog v1.1
*  - Added the ability to enable param1 or 2 individually
*  - Looks for Keywords on all sheets
*  - Runs much faster
* Created By: Russ Savage
var SET_PARAM1 = true;
var SET_PARAM2 = false;
var DATA_RANGE = 'A:D'; // A - CampaignName, B - AdGroupName, 
                        // C - Param1, D - Param2

function main() {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
  var allSheets = spreadsheet.getSheets();
  var allData = [];
  for(var i in allSheets) {
    var sheet = allSheets[i];
    var data = sheet.getRange(DATA_RANGE).getValues();
    data.shift(); //get rid of headers
    allData = allData.concat(data);
  var allDataHash = {};
  for(var i in allData) {
    var row = allData[i];
    if(row[0] === '') { continue; }
    var rowKey = [row[0],row[1]].join('~~!~~');
    allDataHash[rowKey] = { param1 : row[2], param2: row[3] };
  var kwIter = AdWordsApp.keywords()
    .withCondition('CampaignStatus = ENABLED')
    .withCondition('AdGroupStatus = ENABLED')
    .withCondition('Status = ENABLED')
  while(kwIter.hasNext()) { 
    var kw =;
    var campName = kw.getCampaign().getName();
    var adGroupName = kw.getAdGroup().getName();
    var rowKey = [campName,adGroupName].join('~~!~~');
    if(allDataHash[rowKey]) {
      if(SET_PARAM1) { kw.setAdParam(1, allDataHash[rowKey].param1); }
      if(SET_PARAM2) { kw.setAdParam(2, allDataHash[rowKey].param2); }

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dynamically Adjust Campaign Budgets v2.0

UPDATE 2013-04-06: Made sure daily budgets are multiplied by 30.5 to turn them into monthly budgets (line 150).

UPDATE 2013-04-06: Made sure that when the budgets are reset, they are divided by 30.5 to turn them into daily budgets (line 95).

UPDATE 2013-04-07: A big thank you to FoxSUP for helping me track down an issue with updating the budgets. Fixed line 78 to multiply the current budget by 1+to_change instead of just to_change. Also fixed a bug in calculating the change(line 56).

This is an update to a previous script I put together to dynamically adjust campaign budgets. There have been a few asks from some of the comments and I figured it would be easier to combine them into a new post.

The script will now keep track of the budgets you set at the beginning of the month via a Google Spreadsheet. You can also fill in the LABEL value if you only want this to operate on campaigns with that label name. Leaving it blank operates on all campaigns.


* Dynamically Adjust Campaign Budgets v2.1
* Changelog v2.1 - Fixed opening of spreadsheet
* Created By: Russ Savage
// Let's set some constants
//if the campaign is not in the spreadsheet, the budget is reset
//to this value at the beginning of the month.
var DEFAULT_BUDGET = 100; 
var LABEL = ""; //Fill in if you only want to operate on campaigns with this label
var SIG_FIGS = 1000; //this means round all calculations to 3 decimal places
var MONTHLY_BUDGET = 0; // we will set this later
function main() {
  MONTHLY_BUDGET = _pull_budget_data_from_spreadsheet();
  var tot_cost_mtd = _get_total_cost();
  var is_first_of_the_month = ((new Date()).getDate() == 1);
  is_first_of_the_month = (is_first_of_the_month && ((new Date()).getHours() == 0));
  Logger.log("Total cost: " + tot_cost_mtd + ", Monthly budget:" + MONTHLY_BUDGET);
  if(is_first_of_the_month) {
  } else {
// Returns the total cost for the set TIMEFRAME
function _get_total_cost() {
  var camp_iter = (LABEL == "") ? AdWordsApp.campaigns().get() :
                                    .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+LABEL+"']")
  var tot_cost = 0;
  while(camp_iter.hasNext()) {
    tot_cost +=;
  return tot_cost;
// Calculates run rate and adjusts campaign bids as needed.
function _adjust_campaign_budget(my_tot_cost) {
  var today = new Date();
  // Accounting for December
  var eom = (today.getMonth() == 11) ? new Date(today.getFullYear()+1,0,1) : 
                                       new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth()+1,1);
  var days_left = Math.round((eom-today)/1000/60/60/24);
  var days_spent = today.getDate();
  var run_rate = Math.round(my_tot_cost/days_spent*SIG_FIGS)/SIG_FIGS;
  var projected_total = my_tot_cost + (run_rate * days_left);
  var perc_over = Math.round(((MONTHLY_BUDGET-projected_total)/projected_total)*SIG_FIGS)/SIG_FIGS; 
//Adjusts the budget for a given campaign based on percentage of total spend
//Note: if the cost of a campaign is $0 mtd, the budget is not changed.
function _change_spend(perc_to_change,my_tot_cost) {
  var camp_iter = (LABEL == '') ? AdWordsApp.campaigns()
                                    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
                                    .get() :
                                    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
                                    .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+LABEL+"']")
  while(camp_iter.hasNext()) {
    var camp =;
    var camp_cost = camp.getStatsFor(TIMEFRAME).getCost();
    var perc_of_total = Math.round(camp_cost/my_tot_cost*SIG_FIGS)/SIG_FIGS;
    //If there is no cost for the campaign, let's not change it.
    var to_change = (perc_of_total) ? (perc_of_total*perc_to_change) : 0;
// Resets the budget unevenly
function _reset_budgets() {
  var camp_budget_map = _pull_campaign_data_from_spreadsheet();
  var camp_iter = (LABEL == '') ? AdWordsApp.campaigns()
                                    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
                                    .get() :
                                    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
                                    .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+LABEL+"']")
  while(camp_iter.hasNext()) {
    var camp =;
    if(camp_budget_map[camp.getName()]) {
    } else {
function _pull_campaign_data_from_spreadsheet() {
  var spreadsheet = getSpreadsheet(SPREADSHEET_URL);
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getRange("A:B").getValues();
  if(data[0][0] == "") {
    //This means this is the first run and we should populate the data.
    data = sheet.getRange("A:B").getValues();
  var campaign_budget_map = {};
  for(var i in data) {
    if(i == 0) { continue; } //ignore the header
    if(data[i][0] == "") { break; } //stop when there is no more data
    campaign_budget_map[data[i][0]] = parseFloat(data[i][1]);
  return campaign_budget_map;
function _pull_budget_data_from_spreadsheet() {
  var spreadsheet = getSpreadsheet(SPREADSHEET_URL);
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getRange("A:B").getValues();
  if(data[0][0] == "") {
    //This means this is the first run and we should populate the data.
    data = sheet.getRange("A:B").getValues();
  var tot_budget = 0;
  for(var i in data) {
    if(i == 0) { continue; } //ignore the header
    if(data[i][1] == "") { break; } //stop when there is no more data
    tot_budget += parseFloat(data[i][1]);
  return tot_budget;
function _populate_spreadsheet(sheet) {
  sheet.appendRow(['Campaign Name','Monthly Budget']);
  var camp_iter = (LABEL == '') ? AdWordsApp.campaigns()
                                    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
                                    .get() :
                                    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
                                    .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+LABEL+"']")
  while(camp_iter.hasNext()) {
    var camp =;
function getSpreadsheet(spreadsheetUrl) {
  return SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl);

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Issues With The New Reporting API

Like many of you, I've been trying to sink my teeth into the new reporting functionality that was recently added to the AdWords scripts late last week.  Unfortunately, I've been getting errors even when I use the sample code given in the API. If anyone has been having the same issues, there is a thread on the forums where you can wait for the AdWords Scripts team to resolve the issue.  As soon as it is resolved, I'll start posting some sample code.  I have been working on an auto trafficking of user queries script that is pretty cool.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Update Your Bids from a Google Spreadsheet

Today we have a little script to help adjust bids at a large scale.  This is an example of how you can use the integration with Google Spreadsheets to update some of your bids for keywords.  I have provided a sample spreadsheet which you can make a copy of.

As long as the Adwords Account and the Google Docs account use the same login, it will be able to access any spreadsheet you have.  I suggest opening my sample spreadsheet and then making a copy if it in your account.  You can then replace the URL from the script below with the url of your copy of the spreadsheet.

Link to my sample spreadsheet:

 * Update Bids Using a Google Spreadsheet
 * Version 1.1
 * Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  var SPREADSHEET_URL = "Insert Url Here";
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('KeywordBids');
  var data = sheet.getRange("A:E").getValues();
  var kwBidHash = {};
  for(var i in data) {
    if(i == 0) { continue; }
    if(data[i][0] === '') { break; }
    var kwKey = Utilities.base64Encode([data[i][0],data[i][1],data[i][2]].join('~~!~~'));
    kwBidHash[kwKey] = data[i];
  var kwIter = AdWordsApp.keywords()
    .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
  while(kwIter.hasNext()) {
    var kw =;
    var campName = kw.getCampaign().getName();
    var kwKey = Utilities.base64Encode([campName,kw.getText(),kw.getMatchType()].join('~~!~~'));
    if(kwBidHash[kwKey]) {
      if(kwBidHash[kwKey][3] === "FIXED") {
        kw.setMaxCpc(kw.getMaxCpc() * (1+kwBidHash[kwKey][4]));