Showing posts with label testing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testing. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2012

Automatically Pause Ads with Low CTR

Recently, Brad over at published some tips about testing at scale.  One of the most common testing techniques he mentions is to create a ton of ads and let Google optimize the rotation for you.  The problem with this technique is that the losers are rarely deleted.  Well, using the script below, you can find the worst performing ads in all your adgroups and pause it (if there is at least one other ad in the adgroup).


// Pause Ads with Low CTR
// Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  // Let's start by getting all of the adGroups that are active
  var ag_iter = AdWordsApp.adGroups()
  .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")

  // Then we will go through each one
  while (ag_iter.hasNext()) {
    var ag =;
    var ad_iter =
      .withCondition("Status = ENABLED")
      .orderBy("Ctr DESC")
    var ad_array = new Array();
    while(ad_iter.hasNext()) {
    if(ad_array.length > 1) {
      for(var i = 1; i < ad_array.length; i++) {
        ad_array[i].pause(); //or .remove(); to delete them 