Showing posts with label labels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label labels. Show all posts

Thursday, May 11, 2017

executeInParallel on More than 50 Accounts Using Labels

One of the biggest limitations for people running MCC level scripts is the 50 account limit imposed by the executeInParallel function. Until recently, one of the ways to get around this limit was to store the processed accounts list on Google Drive and update the file when needed.

Recently, the AdWords Scripts team enabled the ability to apply labels to each account from the MccApp object. With this, we gain the ability to write a much cleaner version of the script that uses labels to indicate when each account has been processed. Using this method and running this script every hour, you could process up to 1,200 accounts per day.

The following code is meant to provide a framework for you to substitute your own MccApp code into. You can then schedule this code to run every hour, and it will continue processing the accounts in your MCC until each one of them is finished.

It will also attempt to notify you when there are accounts that return an error so that you can investigate. The one caveat about this script is that if you run into timeout limits on the Mcc level, namely in the results function, you might not apply the label to each successfully completed account. You can solve this by replacing line 76 with the following and removing line 89:


Anyway, I hope this helps and let me know if you run into any issues in the comments.


* MccApp Generic Runner Framework for any number of acounts
* Version 1.1
* Changelog v1.1 - fixed issue with selector in yesterdays label function
* Created By: Russ Savage (@russellsavage)
// The name of the script you are running
// Used in error email subject line and label name
var SCRIPT_NAME = 'Generic MCC App';
// Since timezones are not available at the MCC level
// you need to set it here. You can use the local timezone
// of each account in the function processing each account
// The date for today based on the timezone set above
var TODAY_STR = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), TIMEZONE, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
// The label prefix which is used to figure out today's label and
// yesterday's label
var LABEL_PREFIX = SCRIPT_NAME + ' - Completed - ';
// This is the label that will be applied to each account
// when it is successfully processed
// This is a list of email addresses to notify when
// one of the accounts returns an error and is not processed.
var NOTIFY = [''];

function main() {
  // Warning: if running in preview mode, this function will fail
  // and the selector that follows will also fail with "cannot read from AdWords"
  removeYesterdaysLabel(); // This might not exist, but try to remove it
  // Find all the accounts that have not been processed
  var accountIter = MccApp.accounts()
    .withCondition("LabelNames DOES_NOT_CONTAIN '"+FINISHED_LABEL_NAME+"'")
  // Add them to a list for the executeInParallel later
  var accountList = [];
  while(accountIter.hasNext()) {
    var account =;
  // If there are unprocessed accounts, process them
  if(accountList.length > 0) {
      .executeInParallel('doSomethingInEachAccount', 'reportOnResults');

// This function is called from executeInParallel and contains the
// business logic for each account. Right now, it just has some 
// dummy logic to illustrate how this works.
function doSomethingInEachAccount() {
   * Replace this function with what 
   * you want to do on each account
  Logger.log("In account: "+AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName()+
                        " "+AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId());
  // This function must return a string so we use JSON.stringify() to
  // turn almost any object into a string quickly.
  return JSON.stringify({something:'else'});

// This function will be called as soon as the function above
// has been run on each account. The results object is an array
// of the results returned by the function run in each account.
function reportOnResults(results) {
  var completedAccounts = [];
  var erroredAccounts = [];
  for(var i in results) {
    var result = results[i];
    // If the account function returns success
    if(result.getStatus() == 'OK') {
      // Add it to the list to apply the label to
       * Fill in the code to process the results from 
       * each account just below this.
      var returnedValue = JSON.parse(result.getReturnValue());
    } else {
      // In case of an error, we should notify someone so they can
      // check it out.
      erroredAccounts.push({customerId:result.getCustomerId(), error: result.getError()});
  // Finally we apply the labels to each account
  // And send an email with any errors

 * Do not edit code below unless you know
 * what you are doing.
// This function creates the required label to apply
// to completed accounts. You can change the label name
// by editing the FINISHED_LABEL_NAME variable at the top
// of this script.
function createLabelIfNeeded() {
  try {
    var labelIter = MccApp.accountLabels()
      .withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS '"+FINISHED_LABEL_NAME+"'")
  } catch(e) {

// This function applies FINISHED_LABEL_NAME to each completed account
function applyLabelsToCompletedAccounts(completedAccounts) {
  var finishedAccountsIter = MccApp.accounts().withIds(completedAccounts).get();
  while(finishedAccountsIter.hasNext()) {
    var account =;

// This function attempts to remove yesterday's label if it exists.
// If it doesn't exist, it does nothing.
function removeYesterdaysLabel() {
  var yesterday = new Date();
  yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
  var yesterdayStr = Utilities.formatDate(yesterday, TIMEZONE, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
  var yesterdayLabel = LABEL_PREFIX + yesterdayStr;
  Logger.log("Attempting to remove label: "+yesterdayLabel);
  try {
    var labelIter = MccApp.accountLabels().withCondition("Name CONTAINS '"+yesterdayLabel+"'").get();
    while(labelIter.hasNext()) {;
  } catch(e) { 
    // do nothing

// This function will send an email to each email in the
// NOTIFY list from the top of the script with the specific error
function notifyOfAccountsWithErrors(erroredAccounts) {
  if(!erroredAccounts || erroredAccounts.length == 0) { return; }
  if(typeof NOTIFY == 'undefined') { throw 'NOTIFY is not defined.'; }
  var subject = SCRIPT_NAME+' - Accounts with Errors - '+TODAY_STR;
  var htmlBody = 'The following Accounts had errors on the last run.<br / >';
  htmlBody += 'Log in to AdWords:';
  var body = htmlBody;
  htmlBody += '<br / ><br / >';
  htmlBody += '<table border="1" width="95%" style="border-collapse:collapse;">' +
              '<tr><td>Account Id</td><td>Error</td></tr>';
  for(var i in erroredAccounts) {
    htmlBody += '<tr><td>'+ erroredAccounts[i].customerId +
      '</td><td>' + erroredAccounts[i].error + '</td></tr>';
  htmlBody += '</table>';
  // Remove this line to get rid of the link back to this site.
  htmlBody += '<br / ><br / ><a href = "" ></a>';
  var options = { htmlBody : htmlBody };
  for(var i in NOTIFY) {
    Logger.log('Sending email to: '+NOTIFY[i]+' with subject: '+subject);
    MailApp.sendEmail(NOTIFY[i], subject, body, options);

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Automated Creative Testing With Statistical Significance

In the spirit of the Holidays, I've got a little gift for everyone. This script will monitor your AdGroups for creative tests that have hit statistical significance and notify you with an email so that you can take action. The script keeps track of changes to any AdGroups so that it always knows when a new test has started without you having to keep track. It applies labels to your Ads and then notifies you via email when the tests have completed.

This script is based on my previous Ad Testing Script but has some additional features. Namely, instead of pausing stats based purely on a metric, this script calculates the statistical significance of the test before making a decision. The calculations are based on a blog post and spreadsheet from VisualWebsiteOptimizer that I modified to work with AdWords Ads.

I also incorporated the ability to link directly to the Campaign or AdGroup from the notification email which I posted about before. All you need to do is fill in the __c and __u parameters to enable that feature.

And finally, since this is probably the largest and most complicated script I've shared here, I used the logic from my post about Google Analytics reporting to fire a beacon whenever the script is ran. You are more than welcome to disable it (remove beacon(); from the second to the last line of the main function), but I would love to get an idea of just how many people are using this script.

Since this script is pretty big, and the formatting here can be a little iffy sometimes, you can also download it from GitHub.

Thanks as always for reading and have a fun and safe holiday.


* Automated Creative Testing With Statistical Significance
* Version 2.1
* Changelog v2.1
* Changelog v2.0
*   - Fixed bug in setting the correct date
*   - Script now uses a minimum visitors threshold 
*        per Ad instead of AdGroup
*   - Added the ability to add the start date as a label to AdGroups
*   - Added ability to check mobile and desktop ads separately
* Changelog v1.1.1 - Fixed bug with getDisplayUrl
* Changelog v1.1 
*   - Added ability to only run on some campaigns
*   - Fixed bug in info logging
* Russ Savage
var EXTRA_LOGS = true;
var TO = [''];
var CONFIDENCE_LEVEL = 95; // 90%, 95%, or 99% are most common
//If you only want to run on some campaigns, apply a label to them
//and put the name of the label here.  Leave blank to run on all campaigns.
//These two metrics are the components that make up the metric you
//want to compare. For example, this measures CTR = Clicks/Impressions
//Other examples might be:
// Cost Per Conv = Cost/Conversions
// Conversion Rate = Conversions/Clicks
// Cost Per Click = Cost/Clicks
var VISITORS_METRIC = 'Impressions';
//This is the number of impressions the Ad needs to have in order
//to start measuring the results of a test.

//Setting this to true to enable the script to check mobile ads
//against other mobile ads only. Enabling this will start new tests
//in all your AdGroups so only enable this after you have completed
//a testing cycle.

//Set this on the first run which should be the approximate last time
//you started a new creative test. After the first run, this setting
//will be ignored.
var LOSER_LABEL = 'Loser '+CONFIDENCE_LEVEL+'% Confidence';
var CHAMPION_LABEL = 'Current Champion';

// Set this to true and the script will apply a label to 
// each AdGroup to let you know the date the test started
// This helps you validate the results of the script.
//These come from the url when you are logged into AdWords
//Set these if you want your emails to link directly to the AdGroup
var __c = '';
var __u = '';
function main() {
  createLabelIfNeeded(LOSER_LABEL,"#FF00FF"); //Set the colors of the labels here
  createLabelIfNeeded(CHAMPION_LABEL,"#0000FF"); //Set the colors of the labels here
  //Let's find all the AdGroups that have new tests starting
  var currentAdMap = getCurrentAdsSnapshot();
  var previousAdMap = getPreviousAdsSnapshot();
  if(previousAdMap) {
    currentAdMap = updateCurrentAdMap(currentAdMap,previousAdMap);
  previousAdMap = null;
  //Now run through the AdGroups to find tests
   var agSelector = AdWordsApp.adGroups()
    .withCondition('CampaignStatus = ENABLED')
    .withCondition('AdGroupStatus = ENABLED')
    .withCondition('Status = ENABLED');
  if(CAMPAIGN_LABEL !== '') {
    var campNames = getCampaignNames();
    agSelector = agSelector.withCondition("CampaignName IN ['"+campNames.join("','")+"']");
  var agIter = agSelector.get();
  var todayDate = getDateString(new Date(),'yyyyMMdd');
  var touchedAdGroups = [];
  var finishedEarly = false;
  while(agIter.hasNext()) {
    var ag =;

    var numLoops = (ENABLE_MOBILE_AD_TESTING) ? 2 : 1;
    for(var loopNum = 0; loopNum < numLoops; loopNum++) {
      var isMobile = (loopNum == 1);
      var rowKey;
      if(isMobile) {
        info('Checking Mobile Ads in AdGroup: "'+ag.getName()+'"');
        rowKey = [ag.getCampaign().getId(),ag.getId(),'Mobile'].join('-');
      } else {
        info('Checking Ads in AdGroup: "'+ag.getName()+'"');
        rowKey = [ag.getCampaign().getId(),ag.getId()].join('-');

      if(!currentAdMap[rowKey]) {  //This shouldn't happen
        warn('Could not find AdGroup: '+ag.getName()+' in current ad map.');
        var dateLabel;
        if(isMobile) {
          dateLabel = 'Mobile Tests Started: '+getDateString(currentAdMap[rowKey].lastTouched,'yyyy-MM-dd');
        } else {
          dateLabel = 'Tests Started: '+getDateString(currentAdMap[rowKey].lastTouched,'yyyy-MM-dd');

        //remove old start date
        var labelIter = ag.labels().withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH '"+dateLabel.split(':')[0]+"'")
                                   .withCondition("Name != '"+dateLabel+"'").get();
        while(labelIter.hasNext()) {
          var label =;
          if(!label.adGroups().get().hasNext()) {
            //if there are no more entities with that label, delete it.
      //Here is the date range for the test metrics
      var lastTouchedDate = getDateString(currentAdMap[rowKey].lastTouched,'yyyyMMdd');
      info('Last Touched Date: '+lastTouchedDate+' Todays Date: '+ todayDate);
      if(lastTouchedDate === todayDate) {
        //Special case where the AdGroup was updated today which means a new test has started.
        //Remove the old labels, but keep the champion as the control for the next test
        info('New test is starting in AdGroup: '+ag.getName());
      //Is there a previous winner? if so we should use it as the control.
      var controlAd = checkForPreviousWinner(ag,isMobile);
      //Here we order by the Visitors metric and use that as a control if we don't have one
      var adSelector ='Status = ENABLED').withCondition('AdType = TEXT_AD');
      if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) {
        adSelector = adSelector.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE ['"+[LOSER_LABEL,CHAMPION_LABEL].join("','")+"']");
      var adIter = adSelector.forDateRange(lastTouchedDate, todayDate)
                             .orderBy(VISITORS_METRIC+" DESC")
      if( (controlAd == null && adIter.totalNumEntities() < 2) ||
          (controlAd != null && adIter.totalNumEntities() < 1) )
        info('AdGroup did not have enough eligible Ads. Had: '+adIter.totalNumEntities()+', Needed at least 2'); 
      if(!controlAd) {
        info('No control set for AdGroup. Setting one.');
        while(adIter.hasNext()) {
          var ad =;
          if(shouldSkip(isMobile,ad)) { continue; }
          controlAd = ad;
        if(!controlAd) {
      while(adIter.hasNext()) {
        var testAd =;
        if(shouldSkip(isMobile,testAd)) { continue; }
        //The Test object does all the heavy lifting for us.
        var test = new Test(controlAd,testAd,
        info('Control - Visitors: '+test.getControlVisitors()+' Conversions: '+test.getControlConversions());
        info('Test    - Visitors: '+test.getTestVisitors()+' Conversions: '+test.getTestConversions());
        info('P-Value: '+test.getPValue());
        if(test.getControlVisitors() < VISITORS_THRESHOLD ||
           test.getTestVisitors() < VISITORS_THRESHOLD)
          info('Not enough visitors in the control or test ad.  Skipping.');
        //Check for significance
        if(test.isSignificant()) {
          var loser = test.getLoser();
          removeLabel(loser,CHAMPION_LABEL); //Champion has been dethroned
          //The winner is the new control. Could be the same as the old one.
          controlAd = test.getWinner();
          //We store some metrics for a nice email later
          if(!ag['touchCount']) {
            ag['touchCount'] = 0;
      //Let's bail if we run out of time so we can send the emails.
      if((!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview() && AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().getRemainingTime() < 60) ||
         ( AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview() && AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().getRemainingTime() < 10) )
        finishedEarly = true;
  if(touchedAdGroups.length > 0) {
// A helper function to return the list of campaign ids with a label for filtering 
function getCampaignNames() {
  var campNames = [];
  var labelIter = AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+CAMPAIGN_LABEL+"'").get();
  if(labelIter.hasNext()) {
    var label =;
    var campIter = label.campaigns().get();
    while(campIter.hasNext()) {
  return campNames;
function applyLabel(entity,label) {
  if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) {
  } else {
    var adText = (entity.getEntityType() === 'Ad') ? [entity.getHeadline(),entity.getDescription1(),
                                                      entity.getDescription2(),entity.getDisplayUrl()].join(' ') 
                                                   : entity.getName();
    Logger.log('PREVIEW: Would have applied label: '+label+' to Entity: '+ adText);
function removeLabel(ad,label) {
  if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) {
  } else {
    var adText = [ad.getHeadline(),ad.getDescription1(),ad.getDescription2(),ad.getDisplayUrl()].join(' ');
    Logger.log('PREVIEW: Would have removed label: '+label+' from Ad: '+ adText);
// This function checks if the AdGroup has an Ad with a Champion Label
// If so, the new test should use that as the control.
function checkForPreviousWinner(ag,isMobile) {
  var adSelector ='Status = ENABLED')
                           .withCondition('AdType = TEXT_AD');
  if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) {
    adSelector = adSelector.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+CHAMPION_LABEL+"']");
  var adIter = adSelector.get();
  while(adIter.hasNext()) {
    var ad =;
    if(shouldSkip(isMobile,ad)) { continue; }
    info('Found a previous winner. Using it as the control.');
    return ad;
  return null;

function shouldSkip(isMobile,ad) {
  if(isMobile) {
    if(!ad.isMobilePreferred()) {
      return true;
  } else {
    if(ad.isMobilePreferred()) {
      return true;
  return false;
// This function sends the email to the people in the TO array.
// If the script finishes early, it adds a notice to the email.
function sendMailForTouchedAdGroups(ags,finishedEarly) {
  var htmlBody = '<html><head></head><body>';
  if(finishedEarly) {
    htmlBody += 'The script was not able to check all AdGroups. ' +
                'It will check additional AdGroups on the next run.<br / >' ;
  htmlBody += 'The following AdGroups have one or more creative tests that have finished.' ;
  htmlBody += buildHtmlTable(ags);
  htmlBody += '<p><small>Generated by <a href=""></a></small></p>' ;
  htmlBody += '</body></html>';
  var options = { 
    htmlBody : htmlBody,
  var subject = ags.length + ' Creative Test(s) Completed - ' + 
    Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
  for(var i in TO) {
    MailApp.sendEmail(TO[i], subject, ags.length+' AdGroup(s) have creative tests that have finished.', options);

// This function uses my HTMLTable object to build the styled html table for the email.
function buildHtmlTable(ags) {
  var table = new HTMLTable();
  //CSS from:
  //Inlined using:
  table.setTableStyle(['font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande",Sans-Serif;',
                       'font-size: 12px;',
                       'background: #fff;',
                       'margin: 45px;',
                       'width: 480px;',
                       'border-collapse: collapse;',
                       'text-align: left'].join(''));
  table.setHeaderStyle(['font-size: 14px;',
                        'font-weight: normal;',
                        'color: #039;',
                        'padding: 10px 8px;',
                        'border-bottom: 2px solid #6678b1'].join(''));
  table.setCellStyle(['border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;',
                      'padding: 4px 6px'].join(''));
  table.addHeaderColumn('Campaign Name');
  table.addHeaderColumn('AdGroup Name');
  table.addHeaderColumn('Tests Completed');
  for(var i in ags) {
    var campName = ags[i].getCampaign().getName();
    var name = ags[i].getName();
    var touchCount = ags[i]['touchCount'];
    var campLink, agLink;
    if(__c !== '' && __u !== '') { // You should really set these.
      campLink = getUrl(ags[i].getCampaign(),'Ad groups');
      agLink = getUrl(ags[i],'Ads');
    } else {
    table.addCell(touchCount,'text-align: right');
  return table.toString();

// Just a helper to build the html for a link.
function a(link,val) {
  return '<a href="'+link+'">'+val+'</a>';
// This function finds all the previous losers and removes their label.
// It is used when the script detects a change in the AdGroup and needs to 
// start a new test.
function removeLoserLabelsFromAds(ag,isMobile) {
  var adSelector ='Status = ENABLED');
  if(!AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) {
    adSelector = adSelector.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY ['"+LOSER_LABEL+"']");
  var adIter = adSelector.get();
  while(adIter.hasNext()) {
    var ad =;
    if(shouldSkip(isMobile,ad)) { continue; }
// A helper function to create a new label if it doesn't exist in the account.
function createLabelIfNeeded(name,color) {
  if(!AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+name+"'").get().hasNext()) {
    info('Creating label: "'+name+'"');
  } else {
    info('Label: "'+name+'" already exists.');
// This function compares the previous and current Ad maps and
// updates the current map with the date that the AdGroup was last touched.
// If OVERRIDE_LAST_TOUCHED_DATE is set and there is no previous data for the 
// AdGroup, it uses that as the last touched date.
function updateCurrentAdMap(current,previous) {
  info('Updating the current Ads map using historical snapshot.');
  for(var rowKey in current) {
    var currentAds = current[rowKey].adIds;
    var previousAds = (previous[rowKey]) ? previous[rowKey].adIds : [];
    if(currentAds.join('-') === previousAds.join('-')) {
      current[rowKey].lastTouched = previous[rowKey].lastTouched;
    if(previousAds.length === 0 && OVERRIDE_LAST_TOUCHED_DATE !== '') {
      current[rowKey].lastTouched = new Date(OVERRIDE_LAST_TOUCHED_DATE);
    //if we make it here without going into the above if statements
    //then the adgroup has changed and we should keep the new date
  info('Finished updating the current Ad map.');
  return current;
// This stores the Ad map snapshot to a file so it can be used for the next run.
// The data is stored as a JSON string for easy reading later.
function storeAdsSnapshot(data) {
  info('Storing the Ads snapshot to Google Drive.');
  var fileName = getSnapshotFilename();
  var file = DriveApp.getFilesByName(fileName).next();
// This reads the JSON formatted previous snapshot from a file on GDrive
// If the file doesn't exist, it creates a new one and returns an empty map.
function getPreviousAdsSnapshot() {
  info('Loading the previous Ads snapshot from Google Drive.');
  var fileName = getSnapshotFilename();
  var fileIter = DriveApp.getFilesByName(fileName);
  if(fileIter.hasNext()) {
    return Utilities.jsonParse(;
  } else {
    DriveApp.createFile(fileName, '');
    return {};
// A helper function to build the filename for the snapshot.
function getSnapshotFilename() {
  var accountId = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId();
  return (accountId + ' Ad Testing Script Snapshot.json');
// This function pulls the Ad Performance Report which is the fastest
// way to build a snapshot of the current ads in the account.
// This only pulls in active text ads.
function getCurrentAdsSnapshot() {
  info('Running Ad Performance Report to get current Ads snapshot.');
  var OPTIONS = { includeZeroImpressions : true };
  var cols = ['CampaignId','AdGroupId','Id','DevicePreference','Impressions'];
  var report = 'AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT';
  var query = ['select',cols.join(','),'from',report,
               'where AdType = TEXT_AD',
               'and AdNetworkType1 = SEARCH',
               'and CampaignStatus = ENABLED',
               'and AdGroupStatus = ENABLED',
               'and Status = ENABLED',
               'during','TODAY'].join(' ');
  var results = {}; // { campId-agId : row, ... }
  var reportIter =, OPTIONS).rows();
  while(reportIter.hasNext()) {
    var row =;
    var rowKey = [row.CampaignId,row.AdGroupId].join('-');
    if(ENABLE_MOBILE_AD_TESTING && row.DevicePreference == 30001) {
      rowKey += '-Mobile';
    if(!results[rowKey]) {
      results[rowKey] = { adIds : [], lastTouched : new Date() };
  for(var i in results) {
  info('Finished building the current Ad map.');
  return results;
//Helper function to format the date
function getDateString(date,format) {
  return Utilities.formatDate(new Date(date),AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(),format); 
// Function to build out the urls for deeplinking into the AdWords account.
// For this to work, you need to have __c and __u filled in.
// Taken from:
function getUrl(entity,tab) {
  var customerId = __c;
  var effectiveUserId = __u;
  var decodedTab = getTab(tab);  
  var base = '';
  var url = base+'__c='+customerId+'&__u='+effectiveUserId+'#';
  if(typeof entity['getEntityType'] === 'undefined') {
    return url+'r.ONLINE.di&app=cm';
  var type = entity.getEntityType()
  if(type === 'Campaign') {
    return url+'c.'+entity.getId()+'.'+decodedTab+'&app=cm';
  if(type === 'AdGroup') {
    return url+'a.'+entity.getId()+'_'+entity.getCampaign().getId()+'.'+decodedTab+'&app=cm';
  if(type === 'Keyword') {
    return url+'a.'+entity.getAdGroup().getId()+'_'+entity.getCampaign().getId()+'.key&app=cm';
  if(type === 'Ad') {
    return url+'a.'+entity.getAdGroup().getId()+'_'+entity.getCampaign().getId()+'.create&app=cm';
  return url+'r.ONLINE.di&app=cm';
  function getTab(tab) {
    var mapping = {
      'Ad groups':'ag','Settings:All settings':'st_sum',
      'Settings:Locations':'st_loc','Settings:Ad schedule':'st_as',
      'Keywords':'key','Audiences':'au','Ad extensions':'ae',
      'Auto targets':'at','Dimensions' : 'di'
    if(mapping[tab]) { return mapping[tab]; }
    return 'key'; //default to keyword tab
// Helper function to print info logs
function info(msg) {
  if(EXTRA_LOGS) {
    Logger.log('INFO: '+msg);
// Helper function to print more serious warnings
function warn(msg) {
  Logger.log('WARNING: '+msg);
* Track Script Runs in Google Analytics
* Created By: Russ Savage
function beacon() {
  var TAG_ID = 'UA-40187672-2';
  var CAMPAIGN_SOURCE = 'adwords';
  var CAMPAIGN_MEDIUM = 'scripts';
  var CAMPAIGN_NAME = 'AdTestingScriptV2_1';
  var HOSTNAME = '';
  var PAGE = '/Ad_Testing_Script_v2_1';
  if(AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) {
    PAGE += '/preview';
  var DOMAIN_LINK = 'http://'+HOSTNAME+PAGE;
  //Pulled from:
  var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, 
    function(c) {var r = Math.random()*16|0,v=c=='x'?r:r&0x3|0x8;return v.toString(16);});
  var url = '';
  var payload = {
  var qs = '';
  for(var key in payload) {
    qs += key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(payload[key]) + '&';
  url += qs.substring(0,qs.length-1);
* Test: A class for runnning A/B Tests for Ads
* Version 1.0
* Based on VisualWebsiteOptimizer logic:
* Russ Savage
// A description of the parameters:
// control - the control Ad, test - the test Ad
// startDate, endDate - the start and end dates for the test
// visitorMetric, conversionMetric - the components of the metric to use for the test
function Test(control,test,desiredConf,startDate,endDate,visitorMetric,conversionMetric) {
  this.desiredConfidence = desiredConf/100;
  this.verMetric = visitorMetric;
  this.conMetric = conversionMetric;
  this.startDate = startDate;
  this.endDate = endDate;
  this.controlAd = control;
  this.controlStats = (this.controlAd['stats']) ? this.controlAd['stats'] : this.controlAd.getStatsFor(this.startDate, this.endDate);
  this.controlAd['stats'] = this.controlStats;
  this.controlVisitors = this.controlStats['get'+this.verMetric]();
  this.controlConversions = this.controlStats['get'+this.conMetric]();
  this.controlCR = getConversionRate(this.controlVisitors,this.controlConversions);
  this.testAd = test;
  this.testStats = (this.testAd['stats']) ? this.testAd['stats'] : this.testAd.getStatsFor(this.startDate, this.endDate);
  this.testAd['stats'] = this.testStats;
  this.testVisitors = this.testStats['get'+this.verMetric]();
  this.testConversions = this.testStats['get'+this.conMetric]();
  this.testCR = getConversionRate(this.testVisitors,this.testConversions);
  this.getControlVisitors = function() { return this.controlVisitors; }
  this.getControlConversions = function() { return this.controlConversions; }
  this.getTestVisitors = function() { return this.testVisitors; }
  this.getTestConversions = function() { return this.testConversions; }
  // Returns the P-Value for the two Ads
  this.getPValue = function() {
    if(!this.pValue) {
      this.pValue = calculatePValue(this);
    return this.pValue;
  // Determines if the test has hit significance
  this.isSignificant = function() {
    var pValue = this.getPValue();
    if(pValue && pValue !== 'N/A' && (pValue >= this.desiredConfidence || pValue <= (1 - this.desiredConfidence))) {
      return true;
    return false;
  // Returns the winning Ad
  this.getWinner = function() {
    if(this.decideWinner() === 'control') {
      return this.controlAd;
    if(this.decideWinner() === 'challenger') {
      return this.testAd;
    return null;
  // Returns the losing Ad
  this.getLoser = function() {
    if(this.decideWinner() === 'control') {
      return this.testAd;
    if(this.decideWinner() === 'challenger') {
      return this.controlAd;
    return null;
  // Determines if the control or the challenger won
  this.decideWinner = function () {
    if(this.winner) {
      return this.winner;
    if(this.isSignificant()) {
      if(this.controlCR >= this.testCR) {
        this.winner = 'control';
      } else {
        this.winner = 'challenger';
    } else {
      this.winner = 'no winner';
    return this.winner;
  // This function returns the confidence level for the test
  function calculatePValue(instance) {
    var control = { 
      visitors: instance.controlVisitors, 
      conversions: instance.controlConversions,
      cr: instance.controlCR
    var challenger = { 
      visitors: instance.testVisitors, 
      conversions: instance.testConversions,
      cr: instance.testCR
    var z = getZScore(control,challenger);
    if(z == -1) { return 'N/A'; }
    var norm = normSDist(z);
    return norm;
  // A helper function to make rounding a little easier
  function round(value) {
    var decimals = Math.pow(10,5);
    return Math.round(value*decimals)/decimals;
  // Return the conversion rate for the test
  function getConversionRate(visitors,conversions) {
    if(visitors == 0) {
      return -1;
    return conversions/visitors;
  function getStandardError(cr,visitors) {
    if(visitors == 0) {
      throw 'Visitors cannot be 0.';
    return Math.sqrt((cr*(1-cr)/visitors));
  function getZScore(c,t) {
    try {
      if(!c['se']) { c['se'] = getStandardError(,c.visitors); }
      if(!t['se']) { t['se'] = getStandardError(,t.visitors); }
    } catch(e) {
      return -1;
    if((Math.sqrt(Math.pow(,2)+Math.pow(,2))) == 0) { 
      Logger.log('WARNING: Somehow the denominator in the Z-Score calulator was 0.');
      return -1;
    return ((,2)+Math.pow(,2)));
  function normSDist(z) {
    var sign = 1.0;
    if (z < 0) { sign = -1; }
    return round(0.5 * (1.0 + sign * erf(Math.abs(z)/Math.sqrt(2))));
  // From:
  function erf(x) {
    // constants
    var a1 =  0.254829592;
    var a2 = -0.284496736;
    var a3 =  1.421413741;
    var a4 = -1.453152027;
    var a5 =  1.061405429;
    var p  =  0.3275911;
    // Save the sign of x
    var sign = 1;
    if (x < 0) {
      sign = -1;
    x = Math.abs(x);
    // A&S formula 7.1.26
    var t = 1.0/(1.0 + p*x);
    var y = 1.0 - (((((a5*t + a4)*t) + a3)*t + a2)*t + a1)*t*Math.exp(-x*x);
    return sign*y;
* HTMLTable: A class for building HTML Tables
* Version 1.0
* Russ Savage
function HTMLTable() {
  this.headers = [];
  this.columnStyle = {};
  this.body = [];
  this.currentRow = 0;
  this.addHeaderColumn = function(text) {
  this.addCell = function(text,style) {
    if(!this.body[this.currentRow]) {
      this.body[this.currentRow] = [];
    this.body[this.currentRow].push({ val:text, style:(style) ? style : '' });
  this.newRow = function() {
    if(this.body != []) {
  this.getRowCount = function() {
    return this.currentRow;
  this.setTableStyle = function(css) {
    this.tableStyle = css;
  this.setHeaderStyle = function(css) {
    this.headerStyle = css; 
  this.setCellStyle = function(css) {
    this.cellStyle = css;
    if(css[css.length-1] !== ';') {
      this.cellStyle += ';';
  this.toString = function() {
    var retVal = '<table ';
    if(this.tableStyle) {
      retVal += 'style="'+this.tableStyle+'"';
    retVal += '>'+_getTableHead(this)+_getTableBody(this)+'</table>';
    return retVal;
  function _getTableHead(instance) {
    var headerRow = '';
    for(var i in instance.headers) {
      headerRow += _th(instance,instance.headers[i]);
    return '<thead><tr>'+headerRow+'</tr></thead>';
  function _getTableBody(instance) {
    var retVal = '<tbody>';
    for(var r in instance.body) {
      var rowHtml = '<tr>';
      for(var c in instance.body[r]) {
        rowHtml += _td(instance,instance.body[r][c]);
      rowHtml += '</tr>';
      retVal += rowHtml;
    retVal += '</tbody>';
    return retVal;
  function _th(instance,val) {
    var retVal = '<th scope="col" ';
    if(instance.headerStyle) {
      retVal += 'style="'+instance.headerStyle+'"';
    retVal += '>'+val+'</th>';
    return retVal;
  function _td(instance,cell) {
    var retVal = '<td ';
    if(instance.cellStyle || {
      retVal += 'style="';
      if(instance.cellStyle) {
        retVal += instance.cellStyle;
      if( {
        retVal +=;
      retVal += '"';
    retVal += '>'+cell.val+'</td>';
    return retVal;

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Figuring Out When Your Ad, AdGroup, Keyword, or Campaign Was Created

Knowing when an Ad (or entity) was created is impossible using scripts. That information is simply not tracked in AdWords. The next best thing is to find out when your Ad first started receiving impressions and assume that is when it was created (If an Ad is created but no one sees it, does it really exist?).

So in order to help me keep track of when my Ads entities were created, I put together the following script to apply labels to my Ads entities with the date of the first impression. That way, I can find out what ads entities I created and make sure I don't take action on anything that is too young. I can also make changes to all the ads entities built on a given day relatively easily in the AdWords UI by just selecting the right label.


* Track Entity Creation Date
* Version 1.4
* Changelog v1.4
*  - Removed apiVersion from reporting call
* Changelog v1.3
*  - Updated script to handle all entities
* Changelog v1.2
*  - Fixed an issue with comparing dates
* ChangeLog v1.1
*  - Updated logic to work with larger accounts
* Created By: Russ Savage
//All my labels will start with this. For example: Created:2013-05-01
var LABEL_PREFIX = 'Created:';
var DAYS_IN_REPORT = 30;
var ENTITY = 'ad'; //or adgroup or keyword or campaign
function main() {
  //First we get the impression history of our entity
  var ret_map = getImpressionHistory();
  //Then we apply our labels
//Function to apply labels to the ads in an account
function applyLabels(ret_map) {
  var iter;
  if(ENTITY === 'campaign') { iter = AdWordsApp.campaigns().get(); }
  if(ENTITY === 'adgroup') { iter = AdWordsApp.adGroups().get(); }
  if(ENTITY === 'ad') { iter =; }
  if(ENTITY === 'keyword') { iter = AdWordsApp.keywords().get(); }
  while(iter.hasNext()) {
    var entity =;
    var id = entity.getId();
    if(ret_map[id]) {
      var label_name = LABEL_PREFIX+Utilities.formatDate(ret_map[id], AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
//This is a helper function to create the label if it does not already exist
function createLabelIfNeeded(name) {
  if(!AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+name+"'").get().hasNext()) {
//A helper function to find the date days ago
function getDateDaysAgo(days) {
  var the_past = new Date();
  the_past.setDate(the_past.getDate() - days);
  return Utilities.formatDate(the_past,AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(),"yyyyMMdd");
//A helper function to compare dates.
//Copied from:
function diffDays(firstDate,secondDate) {
  var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
  return Math.round(Math.abs((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime())/(oneDay))); 
function getImpressionHistory() {
  var API_VERSION = { includeZeroImpressions : false };
  var first_date = new Date('10/23/2000');
  var max_days_ago = diffDays(first_date,new Date());
  var cols = ['Date','Id','Impressions'];
  var report = { 
  var ret_map = {};
  var prev_days_ago = 0;
  for(var i = DAYS_IN_REPORT; i < max_days_ago; i+=DAYS_IN_REPORT) {
    var start_date = getDateDaysAgo(i);
    var end_date = getDateDaysAgo(prev_days_ago);
    var date_range = start_date+','+end_date;
    Logger.log('Getting data for ' + date_range);
    var query = ['select',cols.join(','),'from',report,'during',date_range].join(' ');
    var report_iter =, API_VERSION).rows();
    if(!report_iter.hasNext()) { Logger.log('No more impressions found. Breaking.'); break; } // no more entries
    while(report_iter.hasNext()) { 
      var row =;
      if(ret_map[row['Id']]) {
        var [year,month,day] = (row['Date']).split('-');
        var from_row = new Date(year, parseFloat(month)-1, day);
        var from_map = ret_map[row['Id']];
        if(from_row < from_map) {
          ret_map[row['Id']] = from_row;
      } else {
        var [year,month,day] = (row['Date']).split('-');
        ret_map[row['Id']] = new Date(year, parseFloat(month)-1, day);
    prev_days_ago = i;
  return ret_map;

Monday, June 17, 2013

Finding Anomalies In Your Keywords, Adgroups, and Ads

UPDATE 2013-07-23: Added the ability to add labels to your ads as well. This might be helpful for creative testing.

In a recent post from SearchEngineLand, Larry Kim wants PPC Managers to stop being lazy. Link baiting aside, he has some good points. I think much of the time spent pouring over client spreadsheets is really trying to answer the simple question of "Where Are The Anomalies?"

Anomalies are keywords or AdGroups that seem to be performing very differently than their brothers and sisters in the same AdGroup or Campaign. Maybe you have an AdGroup with 15 keywords and one or two keywords seem to be getting nearly all of the clicks. Or maybe you just have an AdGroup that seems to be eating up a good chunk of your budget and you want to have more control over it. In either of these cases, you need some way to quickly identify which Keywords or AdGroups you want to take action on.

So I created the following script to help me do just that. It has a little bit of statistics embedded in it to calculate the mean and standard deviation of a set of entities (AdGroups or Keywords). Then I apply a label to any entity that seems to be more than two standard deviations away from the mean, which would indicate it is performing much better or much worse than its siblings. That way, I can take action on those entities pretty easily in my account.

This script will also send you an email each day with a summary of the entities that it deems to be anomalies. Your goal is to fix these issues by moving them into their own Campaigns and AdGroups or maybe even getting rid of them altogether (possibly negatives).

Right now, the script will check every metric that is available in the AdWordsApp.stats object. It could be easily modified to check for things like cost per conversion or profit per impression. You will see in the code below where you can remove stats that don't interest you as well.

One note of warning is that I do not claim to be a statistics guy, so this may or may not be a valid way to look at things. Hopefully, it will help you locate the issues in an account quickly and fix them so that you can spend more time being lazy :)

Also, I am open to your comments and suggestions for this script. Is it useful to anyone else?


* Find the Anomalies
* Created By: Russ Savage
* Version: 1.2
* Changelog v1.2
*  - Fixed divide by 0 errors
* Changelog v1.1
*  - Added ability to tag ad anomalies as well
var TO = [''];
function main() {
  // This will add labels to and send emails about adgroups, keywords and ads. Remove any if you like.
  var levels_to_tag = ['adgroup','keyword','ad'];
  for(var x in levels_to_tag) {
    var report = getContentRows(levels_to_tag[x]);
    var entity_map = buildEntityMap(levels_to_tag[x]);
    for(var parent_id in entity_map) {
      var child_list = entity_map[parent_id];
      var stats_list = Object.keys(child_list[0].stats);
      for(var i in stats_list) {
        var mean = getMean(child_list,stats_list[i]);
        var stand_dev = getStandardDev(child_list,mean,stats_list[i]);
        var label_name = stats_list[i]+"_anomaly";
        report += addLabelToAnomalies(child_list,mean,stand_dev,stats_list[i],label_name,levels_to_tag[x]);
//Takes a report and the level of reporting and sends and email
//with the report as an attachment.
function sendResultsViaEmail(report,level) {
  var rows = report.match(/\n/g).length - 1;
  if(rows == 0) { return; }
  var options = { attachments: [Utilities.newBlob(report, 'text/csv', level+"_anomalies_"+_getDateString()+'.csv')] };
  var email_body = "There are " + rows + " " + level + "s that have abnormal performance. See attachment for details.";
  var subject = 'Abnormal ' + _initCap(level) + ' Entities Report - ' + _getDateString();
  for(var i in TO) {
    MailApp.sendEmail(TO[i], subject, email_body, options);
//Helper function to return a single row of the report formatted correctly
function toReportRow(entity,level,label_name) {
  var ret_val = [AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(),
  ret_val.push( (level == 'adgroup') ? entity.getName() : entity.getAdGroup().getName() );
  if(level == 'keyword') {
    ret_val = ret_val.concat([entity.getText(),entity.getMatchType()]); 
  } else if(level == 'ad') {
    ret_val = ret_val.concat([entity.getHeadline(),entity.getDescription1(),entity.getDescription2(),entity.getDisplayUrl()]); 
  return '"' + ret_val.join('","') + '"\n';
//Helper function to return the column headings for the report
function getContentRows(level) {
  var ret_val = ['AccountId','CampaignName','AdGroupName'];
  if(level == 'keyword') {
    ret_val = ret_val.concat(['KeywordText','MatchType']); 
  } else if(level == 'ad') {
    ret_val = ret_val.concat(['Headline','Description1','Description2','DisplayUrl']);
  return '"' + ret_val.join('","') + '"\n';
//Function to add the labels to the entities based on the standard deviation and mean.
//It returns a csv formatted string for reporting
function addLabelToAnomalies(entites,mean,sd,stat_key,label_name,level) {
  var report = '';
  for(var i in entites) {
    var entity = entites[i]['entity'];
    var deviation = Math.abs(entites[i]['stats'][stat_key] - mean);
    if(sd != 0 && deviation/sd >= STANDARD_DEVIATIONS) {
      report += toReportRow(entity,level,label_name);
    } else {
  return report;
//This is a helper function to create the label if it does not already exist
function createLabelIfNeeded(name) {
  if(!AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+name+"'").get().hasNext()) {
//This function returns the standard deviation for a set of entities
//The stat key determines which stat to calculate it for
function getStandardDev(entites,mean,stat_key) {
  var total = 0;
  for(var i in entites) {
    total += Math.pow(entites[i]['stats'][stat_key] - mean,2);
  if(Math.sqrt(entites.length-1) == 0) {
    return 0;
  return round(Math.sqrt(total)/Math.sqrt(entites.length-1));
//Returns the mean (average) for the set of entities
//Again, stat key determines which stat to calculate this for
function getMean(entites,stat_key) {
  var total = 0;
  for(var i in entites) {
    total += entites[i]['stats'][stat_key];
  if(entites.length == 0) {
    return 0;
  return round(total/entites.length);
//This function returns a map of the entities that I am processing.
//The format for the map can be found on the first line.
//It is meant to work on AdGroups and Keywords
function buildEntityMap(entity_type) {
  var map = {}; // { parent_id : [ { entity : entity, stats : entity_stats } ], ... }
  var iter = getIterator(entity_type);
  while(iter.hasNext()) {
    var entity =;
    var stats = entity.getStatsFor(DATE_RANGE);
    var stats_map = getStatsMap(stats);
    var parent_id = getParentId(entity_type,entity);
    if(map[parent_id]) { 
      map[parent_id].push({entity : entity, stats : stats_map});
    } else {
      map[parent_id] = [{entity : entity, stats : stats_map}];
  return map;
//Given an entity type (adgroup or keyword) this will return the parent id
function getParentId(entity_type,entity) {
  switch(entity_type) {
    case 'adgroup' :
      return entity.getCampaign().getId();
    case 'keyword':
      return entity.getAdGroup().getId();
    case 'ad':
      return entity.getAdGroup().getId();
//Given an entity type this will return the iterator for that.
function getIterator(entity_type) {
  switch(entity_type) {
    case 'adgroup' :
      return AdWordsApp.adGroups().forDateRange(DATE_RANGE).withCondition("Impressions > 0").get();
    case 'keyword' :
      return AdWordsApp.keywords().forDateRange(DATE_RANGE).withCondition("Impressions > 0").get();
    case 'ad' :
      return"Impressions > 0").get();
//This returns a map of all the stats for a given entity.
//You can comment out the things you don't really care about.
function getStatsMap(stats) {
  return { // You can comment these out as needed.
          avg_cpc : stats.getAverageCpc(),
          avg_cpm : stats.getAverageCpm(),
          avg_pv : stats.getAveragePageviews(),
          avg_pos : stats.getAveragePosition(),
          avg_tos : stats.getAverageTimeOnSite(),
          bounce : stats.getBounceRate(),
          clicks : stats.getClicks(),
          cv : stats.getConversionRate(),
          conv : stats.getConversions(),
          cost : stats.getCost(),
          ctr : stats.getCtr(),
          imps : stats.getImpressions()
//Helper function to format todays date
function _getDateString() {
  return Utilities.formatDate((new Date()), AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
//Helper function to capitalize the first letter of a string.
function _initCap(str) {
  return str.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });

// A helper function to make rounding a little easier
function round(value) {
  var decimals = Math.pow(10,DECIMAL_PLACES);
  return Math.round(value*decimals)/decimals;

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pause or Enable Campaigns, Keywords or Ads on a Specific Date

UPDATE 2013-12-13: Added the ability to work on Ads as well.

I've seen some questions posted around the forums asking about enabling or pausing keywords on a given day. It is pretty simple to do using labels and scripts. The following script will run through your account and look for keywords labeled with "Pause on " or "Enable on " and perform that action. If you would like to just use dates, you can set the two prefix values to be empty strings (""). The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD (2013-05-01).


* Pause or Enable Campaigns, Keywords or Ads on a Given Date
* Version 1.2
* Changelog v1.2 - Added ability to pause Campaigns
* Changelog v1.1 - Added ability to run on Ads
* Created By: Russ Savage
var ENTITY = 'Keyword'; //or Ad or Campaign
var PAUSE_PREFIX = "Pause on "; //look for labels "Pause on 2013-04-11"
var ENABLE_PREFIX = "Enable on "; //look for labels "Enable on 2013-04-11"

function main() {
  var todayStr = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
  var pauseStr = PAUSE_PREFIX+todayStr;
  var enableStr = ENABLE_PREFIX+todayStr;
  Logger.log("Looking for labels: " + [pauseStr,enableStr].join(' and '));
  var labelsArray = buildLabelArray(pauseStr,enableStr);
  if(labelsArray.length > 0) { 
    var labelsStr = "['" + labelsArray.join("','") + "']";
    var entityIter;
    if(ENTITY === 'Keyword') {
      entityIter = AdWordsApp.keywords().withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY "+labelsStr).get();
    } else if(ENTITY === 'Ad') {
      entityIter ="LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY "+labelsStr).get();
    } else if(ENTITY === 'Campaign') {
      entityIter = AdWordsApp.campaigns().withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY "+labelsStr).get();
    } else {
      throw 'Invaid ENTITY type. Should be Campaign, Keyword or Ad. ENTITY:'+ENTITY;
    while(entityIter.hasNext()) {
      var entity =;
      pauseEntity(entity, pauseStr);
      enableEntity(entity, enableStr);
//Helper function to build a list of labels in the account
function buildLabelArray(pauseStr,enableStr) {
  var labelsArray = [];
  try {
    var labelIter = AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name IN ['"+pauseStr+"','"+enableStr+"']").get();
    while(labelIter.hasNext()) {
    return labelsArray;
  } catch(e) {
  return [];
//Helper function to pause entities
function pauseEntity(entity, pauseStr) {
  var labelIter = entity.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+pauseStr+"'").get();
  if(labelIter.hasNext()) {
//Helper function to enable entities
function enableEntity(entity, enableStr) {
  var labelIter = entity.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+enableStr+"'").get();
  if(labelIter.hasNext()) {

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Merge Labels from Multiple Campaigns

This script is a follow up to one of my previous scripts: Merge Multiple Campaigns Together For Enhanced Campaigns Migration. This one is meant to run after you have merged your campaigns together and it will copy all the labels from the campaigns, adgroups, ads, and keywords from the ORIGIN_CAMAPIGN_NAMES into the DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME.


// Merge Labels from Multiple Campaigns
// Created By: Russ Savage
var DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME = "Destination Campaign Name";
var ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES = ["Origin Campaign Name 1","Origin Campaign Name 2"];

function main() {
  var label_iter = AdWordsApp.labels().get();
  while(label_iter.hasNext()) {
    var label =;
    //Pre-build all the iterators
    var iters = [
      label.campaigns().withCondition("Name IN ['"+ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES.join("','")+"']").get(),
      label.adGroups().withCondition("CampaignName IN ['"+ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES.join("','")+"']").get(),"CampaignName IN ['"+ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES.join("','")+"']").get(),
      label.keywords().withCondition("CampaignName IN ['"+ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES.join("','")+"']").get()
    for(var i in iters) {
      var iter = iters[i];
      while(iter.hasNext()) {

//Copies the labels from entity in Origin campaign 
//to entity with the same name in dest campaign
function _copyLabels(entity) {
  var iter;
  if(_getEntityType(entity) == "Campaign") {
    // it's a campaign
    iter = AdWordsApp.campaigns()
             .withCondition("Name = '"+DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
  } else if(_getEntityType(entity) == "AdGroup") {
    // it's an adgroup
    iter = AdWordsApp.adGroups()
             .withCondition("CampaignName = '"+DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
             .withCondition("Name = '"+entity.getName()+"'")
  } else if(_getEntityType(entity) == "Ad") {
    // it's an ad
    iter =
             .withCondition("CampaignName = '"+DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
             .withCondition("AdGroupName = '"+entity.getAdGroup().getName()+"'")
             .withCondition("Headline = '"+entity.getHeadline()+"'")
             .withCondition("Description1 = '"+entity.getDescription1()+"'")
             .withCondition("Description2 = '"+entity.getDescription2()+"'")
             .withCondition("DisplayUrl = '"+entity.getDisplayUrl()+"'")
  } else if(_getEntityType(entity) == "Keyword") {
    // it's a keyword
    iter = AdWordsApp.keywords()
             .withCondition("CampaignName = '"+DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
             .withCondition("AdGroupName = '"+entity.getAdGroup().getName()+"'")
             .withCondition("Text = '"+entity.getText()+"'")
             .withCondition("KeywordMatchType = '"+entity.getMatchType()+"'")
  while(iter.hasNext()) {

//Copy the labels form orig entity to dest entity
function _copyLabelsHelper(orig,dest) {
  var label_iter = orig.labels().get();
  while(label_iter.hasNext()) {

//Returns a text representation of an entity
//For a better way, check:
function _getEntityType(obj) {
  if(typeof(obj['getCampaign']) == "undefined") {
    return 'Campaign';
  if(typeof(obj['getAdGroup']) == "undefined") {
    return 'AdGroup';
  if(typeof(obj['getHeadline']) != "undefined") {
    return "Ad";
  if(typeof(obj['getText']) != "undefined") {
    return "Keyword";
  return null;

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Automate Your Ads Based on Your Baseball Team's Schedule

I know everyone is focused on March Madness right now, but opening day for Baseball season is right around the corner. I wondered if it were possible to enable and disable specific ads based on the schedules of your local MLB team.

It turns out, the MLB has every team's full schedule in an easy to parse CSV format. All you need to do is search Google for " downloadable schedule" and look for the page that ends in "downloadable.jsp". It will look something like this:

The link you need is circled in the image above. You can see from the url what the team_id value should be in the code below. And if you right-click and download that .csv file, you will be able to see what value to use for the home_field as well. In the example below, I used my hometown teams of the Cubs and the White Sox, but you can use any teams you want.

The script itself will run through and look for a home game for your team. If the team is playing today and it is a home game, it will enable any ads that are tagged with the label you configured in the TEAM_INFO. If the team isn't playing a home game today, it will pause those same ads.

In the example below, I only used a portion of the data in the csv files. It would also be possible to enable ads only during the actual game, or enable ads for all game days, not just home games.

I encourage you to play around with the data and see what you can come up with. If you find anything useful, please leave a comment.


// Enable/Disable Ads Based on the MLB Schedule
// Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  var TEAM_INFO = [
    { team_id : 112, home_field : 'Wrigley Field', label : 'cubs' }, // Cubs
    { team_id : 145, home_field : 'U.S. Cellular Field', label : 'whitesox' } // White Sox
  //hopefully you've already created and tagged some ads with these labels
  //but just in case...
  var SEASON = (new Date()).getFullYear();
  var is_home = false, is_game_day = false;
  for(var t in TEAM_INFO) {
    var team = TEAM_INFO[t];
    var url = ""+team.team_id+"&season="+SEASON;
    var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
    var date_list = html.split("\r\n");
    for(var i in date_list) {
      if(i == 0) {continue;}
      var [start_date,start_time,start_time_et,
           end_date,end_date_et,end_time,end_time_et] = date_list[i].split(",");
      var today = new Date();
      var game_day = new Date();
      is_home = (location == team.home_field);
      is_game_day = (diffDays(game_day,today) == 0);
      if(is_home && is_game_day) {
    if(!(is_home && is_game_day)) {

function enableBaseballAds(label) {
  Logger.log("Enabling all ads with the "+label+" label.");
  var ads ="LabelNames CONTAINS_ALL ['"+label+"']").get();
  while(ads.hasNext()) {; 

function disableBaseballAds(label) {
  Logger.log("Disabling all ads with the "+label+" label.");
  var ads ="LabelNames CONTAINS_ALL ['"+label+"']").get();
  while(ads.hasNext()) {; 

function createLabelsIfNeeded(team_info) {
  var label_iter = AdWordsApp.labels().get();
  var label_list = [];
  while(label_iter.hasNext()) {
  for(var i in team_info) {
    if(label_list.indexOf(team_info[i].label) == -1) {

//A helper function to compare dates.
//Copied from:
function diffDays(firstDate,secondDate) {
  var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
  return Math.round(Math.abs((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime())/(oneDay))); 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Label Countdown for Ignoring New Elements

Robert asked on one of my scripts how to ignore keywords that were recently added to his account. Unfortunately, the API doesn't give you a good way to do this although I figured there was a way to do it using labels.

So I put together the following script that you can use to automatically create a label-based countdown for elements that you want to ignore in your scripts. Each time you add new elements to your account, you can apply a label to it using the format LABEL_PREFIX_. So, if you want your scripts to ignore a new element for 30 days, apply the label "days_left_30" to that element. If you schedule the script to run every day, the number of days left on the label will be reduced by one each day. Once the number of days reaches zero, the label will be removed from the entity.

In the scripts that you want to ignore new elements, add the following function to the bottom of the script (before the last curly brace):

  function _build_label_list() {
    //Build a list of labels to exclude in your .withCondition()
    var LABEL_PREFIX = 'days_left_'; 
    var label_iter = AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH '"+LABEL_PREFIX+"'").get();
    var label_array = [];
    while(label_iter.hasNext()) { label_array.push(; }
    return "'"+label_array.join("','")+"'"

And then add the following
.withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_NONE ["+_build_label_list()+"]")
to any iterators you have in your other scripts. Good luck, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.


// Label Countdown
// Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  var LABEL_PREFIX = "days_left_"; // you can change this if you want
  // First lets build a list of labels to work with
  var label_iter = AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH '"+LABEL_PREFIX+"'").get();
  var labels_array = [];
  while(label_iter.hasNext()) {
  if(labels_array.length > 0) { 
    var labels_str = "['" + labels_array.join("','") + "']";
    // grab all the keywords with the labels we want to countdown
    var kw_iter = AdWordsApp.keywords().withCondition("LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY "+labels_str).get();
    while(kw_iter.hasNext()) {
      var kw =;
      var l_iter = kw.labels().withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH '"+LABEL_PREFIX+"'").get();
      var label =; // lazy here because we know this keyword has a label
      var days_left = parseInt(label.getName().substr(LABEL_PREFIX.length)) - 1;
      if(days_left != 0) {
        var new_label_name = LABEL_PREFIX+days_left;
        // Create a new label if it doesn't exist
        if(labels_array.indexOf(new_label_name) == -1) {