Showing posts with label entity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entity. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Merge Labels from Multiple Campaigns

This script is a follow up to one of my previous scripts: Merge Multiple Campaigns Together For Enhanced Campaigns Migration. This one is meant to run after you have merged your campaigns together and it will copy all the labels from the campaigns, adgroups, ads, and keywords from the ORIGIN_CAMAPIGN_NAMES into the DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME.


// Merge Labels from Multiple Campaigns
// Created By: Russ Savage
var DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME = "Destination Campaign Name";
var ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES = ["Origin Campaign Name 1","Origin Campaign Name 2"];

function main() {
  var label_iter = AdWordsApp.labels().get();
  while(label_iter.hasNext()) {
    var label =;
    //Pre-build all the iterators
    var iters = [
      label.campaigns().withCondition("Name IN ['"+ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES.join("','")+"']").get(),
      label.adGroups().withCondition("CampaignName IN ['"+ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES.join("','")+"']").get(),"CampaignName IN ['"+ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES.join("','")+"']").get(),
      label.keywords().withCondition("CampaignName IN ['"+ORIGIN_CAMPAIGN_NAMES.join("','")+"']").get()
    for(var i in iters) {
      var iter = iters[i];
      while(iter.hasNext()) {

//Copies the labels from entity in Origin campaign 
//to entity with the same name in dest campaign
function _copyLabels(entity) {
  var iter;
  if(_getEntityType(entity) == "Campaign") {
    // it's a campaign
    iter = AdWordsApp.campaigns()
             .withCondition("Name = '"+DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
  } else if(_getEntityType(entity) == "AdGroup") {
    // it's an adgroup
    iter = AdWordsApp.adGroups()
             .withCondition("CampaignName = '"+DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
             .withCondition("Name = '"+entity.getName()+"'")
  } else if(_getEntityType(entity) == "Ad") {
    // it's an ad
    iter =
             .withCondition("CampaignName = '"+DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
             .withCondition("AdGroupName = '"+entity.getAdGroup().getName()+"'")
             .withCondition("Headline = '"+entity.getHeadline()+"'")
             .withCondition("Description1 = '"+entity.getDescription1()+"'")
             .withCondition("Description2 = '"+entity.getDescription2()+"'")
             .withCondition("DisplayUrl = '"+entity.getDisplayUrl()+"'")
  } else if(_getEntityType(entity) == "Keyword") {
    // it's a keyword
    iter = AdWordsApp.keywords()
             .withCondition("CampaignName = '"+DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_NAME+"'")
             .withCondition("AdGroupName = '"+entity.getAdGroup().getName()+"'")
             .withCondition("Text = '"+entity.getText()+"'")
             .withCondition("KeywordMatchType = '"+entity.getMatchType()+"'")
  while(iter.hasNext()) {

//Copy the labels form orig entity to dest entity
function _copyLabelsHelper(orig,dest) {
  var label_iter = orig.labels().get();
  while(label_iter.hasNext()) {

//Returns a text representation of an entity
//For a better way, check:
function _getEntityType(obj) {
  if(typeof(obj['getCampaign']) == "undefined") {
    return 'Campaign';
  if(typeof(obj['getAdGroup']) == "undefined") {
    return 'AdGroup';
  if(typeof(obj['getHeadline']) != "undefined") {
    return "Ad";
  if(typeof(obj['getText']) != "undefined") {
    return "Keyword";
  return null;