Today we have a little script to help adjust keyword ad params at a large scale. This is an example of how you can use the integration with Google Spreadsheets to update param1 and param2 values for keywords. I have provided a sample spreadsheet which you can make a copy of.
As long as the Adwords Account and the Google Docs account use the same login, it will be able to access any spreadsheet you have. I suggest opening my sample spreadsheet and then making a copy if it in your account. You can then replace the URL from the script below with the url of your copy of the spreadsheet.
Link to my sample spreadsheet:
/************************************************ * Update Ad Params Using a Google Spreadsheet * Version 1.1 * ChangeLog v1.1 * - Added the ability to enable param1 or 2 individually * - Looks for Keywords on all sheets * - Runs much faster * Created By: Russ Savage * ************************************************/ var SPREADSHEET_URL = "THE URL FOR YOUR GOOGLE SPREADSHEET GOES HERE"; var SET_PARAM1 = true; var SET_PARAM2 = false; var DATA_RANGE = 'A:E'; // A - CampaignName, B - AdGroupName, // C - Keyword, D - Param1, E - Param2 function main() { var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL); var allSheets = spreadsheet.getSheets(); var allData = []; for(var i in allSheets) { var sheet = allSheets[i]; var data = sheet.getRange(DATA_RANGE).getValues(); data.shift(); //get rid of headers allData = allData.concat(data); } var allDataHash = {}; for(var i in allData) { var row = allData[i]; if(row[0] === '') { continue; } var rowKey = [row[0],row[1],row[2]].join('~~!~~'); allDataHash[rowKey] = { param1 : row[3], param2: row[4] }; } var kwIter = AdWordsApp.keywords() .withCondition('CampaignStatus = ENABLED') .withCondition('AdGroupStatus = ENABLED') .withCondition('Status = ENABLED') .get(); while(kwIter.hasNext()) { var kw =; var campName = kw.getCampaign().getName(); var adGroupName = kw.getAdGroup().getName(); var rowKey = [campName,adGroupName,kw.getText()].join('~~!~~'); if(allDataHash[rowKey]) { if(SET_PARAM1) { kw.setAdParam(1, allDataHash[rowKey].param1); } if(SET_PARAM2) { kw.setAdParam(2, allDataHash[rowKey].param2); } } } }