Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unique Bidding Rules For Each Campaign

All right folks, today we are going to get a little more complicated.  Let's say you have a set of campaigns that you happen to be managing.  Now, to save time, you want to set up a script to automatically adjust the bids for each campaign based on a set of rules.

The script below will help you do just that.  I am assuming that many of your optimizations are based on cost per conversion as well as the current position on the page. Now we can start to put together a generic script for these optimizations.

The script starts with a CAMP_LIST variable that holds all the campaign names and their rules.  You can add as many campaigns and rules per client as you like.

Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.


// Unique Bid Updates By Campaign
// Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  // this is the structure that holds all the bid information about your accounts.
  var CAMP_LIST = [
      'camp_name' : 'camp name 1',
      'rules' : [
          'cpv_min' : 0, 'cpv_max' : 10,
          'avg_pos_min' : 2, 'avg_pos_max' : 6,
          'bid_change_amt' : 1.1, 'bid_limit' : 10
          'cpv_min' : 10, 'cpv_max' : 20,
          'avg_pos_min' : 6, 'avg_pos_max' : 10,
          'bid_change_amt' : 1.2, 'bid_limit' : 10
      'camp_name' : 'camp name 2',
      'rules' : [
          'cpv_min' : 0, 'cpv_max' : 5,
          'avg_pos_min' : 3, 'avg_pos_max' : 5,
          'bid_change_amt' : .9, 'bid_limit' : .01
          'cpv_min' : 5, 'cpv_max' : 20,
          'avg_pos_min' : 5, 'avg_pos_max' : 8,
          'bid_change_amt' : 1.2, 'bid_limit' : 10
  var date_range = 'LAST_7_DAYS';
  for (index in CAMP_LIST) {
    var camp = CAMP_LIST[index];
    var camp_name = camp.camp_name;
    var rules = camp.rules;
    var kw_iter = AdWordsApp.keywords()
      .withCondition("CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE '" + camp_name + "'")
    while(kw_iter.hasNext()) {
      var kw =;
      var kw_stats = kw.getStatsFor(date_range);
      var conv = kw_stats.getConversions();
      if (conv == 0) { continue; } //skip anything with no conversions
      var cost = kw_stats.getCost();
      var cpv = cost/conv;
      var avg_pos = kw_stats.getAveragePosition();
      var max_cpc = kw.getMaxCpc();
      for(i in rules) {
        var r = rules[i];
        if(cpv >= r.cpv_min && 
           cpv < r.cpv_max && 
           avg_pos >= r.avg_pos_min && 
           avg_pos < r.avg_pos_max) 
  function calculate_bid(current_bid,perc_to_change,max_min_amt) {
    if(perc_to_change >= 1) {
      return (current_bid * perc_to_change > max_min_amt) ? max_min_amt : (current_bid * perc_to_change);
    } else {
      return (current_bid * perc_to_change < max_min_amt) ? max_min_amt : (current_bid * perc_to_change);